
When Do I Need to Get My Car’s Cooling System Serviced?

You need to have your car, truck, or utility vehicle’s cooling system serviced every 30,000 miles. This ensures that there are no problems with the cooling system such as clogs or leaks. It also gives us a chance to change the coolant so you have fresh coolant in the system. If you ignore this service, you may have one or more of the following problems discussed below.

Leaking Coolant

During a cooling system service, we checked to make sure you do not have any leaks in the cooling system. We inspect all of the hoses to make sure they are not worn out and at risk of cracking. We also checked the seals and gaskets. In addition, we checked the water pump, thermostat, and radiator to make sure they are not rusted.

If any of these parts get rusted, the rust will eat through the metal and you may end up with a serious coolant leak. This means you will see coolant on your garage floor when you back your automobile out of the garage. Unfortunately, the leaking coolant reduces the level of coolant that is in your engine. This can make your engine overheat.

Circulation Problems

Another thing that can make your engine overheat is problems with the coolant circulation. The water pump is the cooling system part that is in charge of circulating the coolant through the engine. If there is something wrong with the pump, such as it has broken down because it is too old, it may be unable to push the coolant through the engine and keep it cool.

You never want your engine’s temperature to go over 220 degrees Fahrenheit on average. An engine without coolant will overheat extremely quickly. In fact, perhaps the water pump is okay but the thermostat has died. If this is the case, there will be no coolant released into the engine and your car, truck, or SUV will overheat very quickly after you start it.

Constant Overheating

Finally, constant overheating is a sign that your cooling system is overdue for service. When this happens, we advise that you avoid driving your automobile when the engine is too hot. If you ignore the overheating problem, you can cause serious damage to the engine such as cracking the head gasket.

Call us today to schedule a service appointment for your automobile if it has been more than 30,000 miles since your last cooling system service.

Photo by thitimon toyai from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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